Contractor Continuing Education Opportunities
Explore these continuing education opportunities that will give you a leg up in energy efficiency building.

2 Hour Energy Course | $32 | Online
For high-performance, net zero energy homes, it is critical to get the building enclosure and mechanical systems right. While renewable energy can be added or acquired later, it is not as easy to change the overall efficiency of the building enclosure or HVAC system. It is critical to identify cost-effective approaches to get the loads low and efficiencies high. The last segment of this session will explore specific design and technologies strategies that I would select for a Net Zero energy Home today. It all comes down to systems optimization—not spending too much in one area or too little in another—with the goal of keeping the cost of a renewable energy system more accessible and affordable today and in the future.

4 Training Modules | 2 hours | Free | Online​
Accelerating market adoption of heat pumps across Minnesota!
Module 1: ASHP Potential and Utility Rebates
Length: Approximately 30-40 minutes
Module 2: Tips and Tricks for Installing ASHPs
Length: Approximately 30 minutes
Module 3: Leads and Marketing for Air Source Heat Pumps
Length: Approximately 30 minutes
Module 4: Sales and Value Propositions for Air Source Heat Pumps
Length: Approximately 30 minutes

1 Hour Energy Course | $20 | Online
Blower door testing in Minnesota has been required since 2015. Today it is still challenging for some Contractors. Common air sealing problems include unsealed poly vapor barriers, multi-family common walls, bonus rooms framing and ductwork penetrations, and mechanical systems without dampers. This course will view real life pictures of these problems and offer solutions.

1 Hour Energy | $20 | Online
This course is a refresher course on the Residential Exterior Energy Envelope Provisions of the 2020 Minnesota Residential Energy Code.

3.5 hours | $59 | Online | Access 180 days after event
Thu, Nov 10, 2022 - 08:30am to 12:00pm CST
This year's ninth annual Green Path Building Conference features, Rick Cobbs with The Energy Network WW, Patrick Huelman with the University of Minnesota, Michael Anschel with OA Design + Build, and Dominique Boczek Caldwell with ICF/High Efficiency New Homes Program.

1 Hour Business Management | $20 | Online
Most business owners have heard of a business plan, but few know about, or understand the importance of, a strategic plan. Consequently, their businesses commonly fail to achieve the success they envisioned. More disappointing? Owners struggle throughout the life of their businesses, putting out fires but never achieving the success they dreamed of. This course provides an overview of the strategic planning process: who prepares it, what makes it different from a business plan, when do you need a strategic plan, why it drives success, and how strategic planning is similar to other planning contractors already know how to do.
A strong construction business is able to successfully complete challenging projects and survive a challenging construction environment. A well-developed strategic plan is fundamental to a strong construction business.

7 Hour Video Course | $79 | Online
This seven-hour course will bring attention to methods of green building that allow homes to have less impact on the environment while providing a great economic benefit to the homeowner. Students will learn the importance of incorporating energy-efficiency into their building projects.

7 Hour Course 1 Hour Energy | $104 | Online​
Improving weatherization and energy efficiency can save clients thousands over the life of the building. Have your clients thanking you every time they get their energy bill with the tips you learn here.

1 Hour Energy | $39 | Online​
Improving energy efficiency through green building methods can save money and have less impact on the environment while also lowering your clients energy bills.

This endowed scholarship is awarded to Cook County, MN residents interested in pursuing training or a course leading to licensure or certification including, but not limited to, the following: electrical, carpentry, surveying, automotive, refrigeration, information technology, industrial mechanics, milling, and welding. Funds cannot be used for renewal certifications, or education equaling an AA degree or higher (apply to the Tuition Scholarship above). This scholarship is for individuals living in Cook County, but training can be completed outside of Cook County. Both high school students and adult learners may apply. Applications are accepted by the 15th of odd-numbered months (Jan, March, May, July, Sept, Nov). Apply today!
Have questions? Contact Karen Blackburn at director@myCCHE.org for more information.